Thursday, September 27, 2007 

Smokeless Tobacco Dangers

SMOKELESS TOBACCO. Two words. Most people might have heard of it but really do not have any idea of the impact of the product that these "two words" can have on the millions of, "users" of smokeless tobacco.

1) Pouch tobacco - this product is a stringy cut of tobacco that is marketed in a pouch about 4" X 6" or so in size.

2) Powdered snuff - this product is a finely ground dry tobacco that comes in tins or glass bottles. It is used by placing it in the mouth either by pinching it between the fingers or using a "brush", a stick sometimes chewed to make a brush end and then placing the wet end into the bottle or tin and getting the powder on it. The brush is then placed in the mouth.

3) Moist ground tobacco: This product is placed in round cans about three inches or so across. They are reported to have up to 5 times the nicotine as cigarettes.

4) Plug tobacco: This product comes in a block, resembling a candy bar.

5) Twist tobacco: This product is strands of tobacco that are formed into rolls and them twisted and wrapped in plastic. If the "twist" were removed, they would be about 12" or so long.

Is smokeless tobacco safe to use?

The tobacco companies give the impression that it is a safe alternative to cigarette smoking but smokeless tobaccos, like cigarettes, are sometimes more addictive and contain high concentrations of cancer-causing chemicals.

The tobacco industry estimates that 24 million americans use smokeless tobacco products. Smokeless tobacco sales have increased above 30% in the past ten years, while cigarettes, and other smoked tobacco usage has actually declined. It has been predicted by industry analysts that smokeless tobacco usage could double over the next few years. Why? Because health-conscious americans are looking for alternatives to smoking.

There are about 30,000 cases of oral cancer are discovered each year in the United States alone, causing about 9,000 deaths. Men over 40 are the most frequently struck while the ratio of oral cancer is 3 to one between males than females. Women use smokeless tobacco but tend to do so in private.

Smokeless Tobacco Advertising Campaigns

Can advertising be partially responsible for the increased usage of smokeless tobacco? Advertising campaigns are being aimed at young males 18-35. They appeal to their desires to "belong" by having slogans such as "take a pinch instead of a puff,'' with practice, you'll be doing it like the pros,'' or "a pinch is all it takes.'' Young people are highly susceptible to such tactics because they sometimes feature entertainment and sports idols promoting smokeless tobacco products. There are three, main causes that cause youth to fall victim to this insidious habit:

1) Peer pressure

2) Curiosity

3) The person's family history of tobacco use.

In families that use tobacco, there is a much stronger mind set to tobacco use and/or experimentation.

Risks associated with smokeless tobacco usage

Smokeless tobacco used regularly can damage teeth and gum lines, and lessening the ability to taste and smell. People who use smokeless tobacco are increasing their risks of developing cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and esophagus.

The use of smokeless tobacco can cause a precancerous condition in the mouth called leukoplakia. Occurring on the lips or inside the cheek, leukoplakia is a white, leathery-appearing patch which results in cancer diagnosis in 3-5 percent of cases. Everyone has different genetics. While some can chew for many years and not get cancer, some develop tobacco-related cancer over a very short time period.

The risk of cancer in soft oral tissues is almost 50 times greater in long-term users than non-users. About 87% of these tumors are attributable to snuff. Those who say smokeless tobacco is safer than smoking should realize that they are only exchanging one form of the same poison for another.

Other dangers from smokeless tobacco use include: gum recession that results in exposed roots and increased sensitivity to heat and cold; tooth loss from damage to the gum tissue; abrasion to the tooth enamel due to high levels of sand and grit contained in smokeless tobaccos; discoloration of the teeth and bad breath; tooth decay caused by sugar added to smokeless tobacco to improve its taste; and possible decreased athletic performance due to constriction of blood vessels caused by nicotine use. Many people who get off smokeless tobacco see their blood pressure normalize and their resting heart rates to go down dramatically.

Smokeless Tobacco Users Should Check For The Following

1) Sores that fail to heal and bleed easily

2) Whitish patches ( leukoplakia)

3) Sensation of something in the throat

4) A lump or thickening

6) Difficulty in chewing or swallowing food

Anyone who is using smokeless tobacco and is interested in quitting this dangerous and sometimes fatal habit can discover more information on the subject of quitting by reading a free eBook that can be found at the following link below:

Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco Now!

If link above doesn't work, simply cut and paste the URL below into your browser:

Zach Malott is CEO of Stop, a site that is dedicated to helping others to eliminate the addiction of smokeless tobacco from their lives. Malott has spent most of his life addicted to smokeless tobacco. In his search for a means to quit and stay quit, a program developed over the years that has helped 1,000's who are ready to quit succeed. This resourse can be found at:

Withdrawal Symptoms Of Quitting Smoking
After Quit Smoking
Anti Smoking Campaign Posters
Natural Quit Smoking
Stop Smoking Logos
What To Expect When You Stop Smoking
Cigar Cartoons
Stop Smoking Aides
Withdrawal And Recovery Symptoms
Stop Smoking Tablets


Alcohol Addiction - On The Wagon Or Social Drinker?

Learning how to stop drinking alcohol for some people is a long and difficult process. If you have become dependent on alcohol to cope; if you drink in the morning or before work; if you are unable to cope in social situations without your "friend" (the drink); if you have hurt people while you were drunk - then you have some important decisions to make.

The most important decision, of course, is to get rid of that alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, without that decision, it all too often ends up on that "slippery slope", that "downward spiral".

Another decision to make, and this is an important one, is whether to aim at becoming a teetotaler, where you never drink alcohol again, or allowing yourself the occasional drink in social situations.

This is a controversial topic. Some people and organizations claim that once you are addicted, you are addicted for life. Just as an ex-heroin addict can become instantly re-addicted after just one dose, so the ex-drinker can become instantly re-addicted with just the one drink.

Other people, such as certain NLP practitioners (but not all), say instead that it's better to aim for choice. In every situation, the ex-drinker can choose to drink or not to drink.

I believe that it's a little more complicated. Firstly, there are degrees of addiction. An alcoholic needs to aim at total abstinence in the first place. Only when he or she has become an ex-drinker, and (with the help of mind skills such as NLP, EFT or self-hypnosis) can have a good time without drinking any alcohol, can the decision be made.

The ex-drinker would do well to always err on the side of caution. If there is any doubt at all, then the safe route is to avoid all alcohol. The problem is not that the person may be irresponsible, but that the first thing to disappear with a drink is judgment (that is why drink-driving is so dangerous). So, after the first drink, the ex-drinker is no longer in a position to judge whether another drink is safe.

Here are my tips for an ex-drinker as to whether a social drink is safe. If the answer is "no" to any of them, then stay on the wagon!

  1. Are you enjoying yourself?
  2. Are you in a safe environment, where you will not be subjected to stress or bad feelings?
  3. Have you coped well with this situation before without drink?
  4. Have you learned to take control of your emotions even in stressful situations?
  5. If you have drunk in this situation before, did you do so in strict moderation and in good spirits?
  6. Finally, are you absolutely sure that you will cope with just one drink and know how to stop drinking alcohol before it has any effect on you?

Learn how to stop drinking alcohol Learn to take control of yourself and free yourself from the slavery of alcohol addiction

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