Tuesday, September 4, 2007 

Therapy For Stammering

Do you have a stammer? Are you looking for a stammering cure? Have you had enough of living life with a stammer? Do you yearn for a stammer free life? I would imagine that most people who have a stammer would like to one day find a solution to this most frustrating form of speech impediment. I myself had a stammer for eighteen years and there was not a day that went by where I did not wish and dream of finding that elusive cure. I have now reached the promised land of fluency and in this article will be writing about the types of therapy that are available for people who stammer.

Stammering is a condition which is thought to affect one percent of the population of the UK. I was unfortunate to be part of that one percent. Hate is a strong word however I hated my stammer and could and would not accept that it would be a part of my life until the day that I died.

I attended speech therapy as a child and as a young adult. This was aimed at helping me but all it ended up doing was to increase the frustration that I felt. The speech therapists that were assigned to coach me were of the opinion that there was not a cure for stammering and in truth they seemed to have little comprehension of the subject.

I soon gave up on the whole notion of speech therapy and I only continued to attend the classes as a way of keeping my parents happy. I then started to search in the libraries for a potential stammering cure but yet again without success.

The birth of the world wide web has now made this search for a stammering cure some what easier. Just by conducting a search on one of the major search engines such as yahoo or google enables people who stammer access to a whole range of new stammering treatments. These include audiobooks, dvd's, ebooks and speech courses, all designed to help a person to overcome their stammer.

Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:

stammering therapy

dvd duplication service in the UK

stuttering treatments

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