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Thursday, September 20, 2007 

Circumcision - Why The Knife?

The definition of circumcision is the act of removing all or part of the penis' foreskin (prepuce). The word "circumcision" is a derivative of the Latin phrases that means "cut around." The word "circum" means "around" and "caedere" means "to cut." Unbeknownst to many, there are also various forms of female circumcisions that are practiced for a variety of reasons. Some circumcisions are utilized strictly for religion purposes, while others are performed due to medical and cultural reasons. Additionally, some adults decide to undergo elective surgery in order to circumcise their genital due to aesthetic or body modifications reasons.

The Egyptians are the oldest known practitioners of circumcision. Shortly after, the practice was used by Semitic peoples and they have continued the tradition to this day. Greeks and Romans also utilized circumcision to a point, but many rejected the procedure as it was not mandatory.

The leading religions that view circumcision as a mandatory procedure are Islam and Judaism, though it is viewed as more important by Judaism. Male children of Jewish descent are circumcised in a ritual exactly eight days after their birth unless health issues prevent it. While Islam also promotes the act, the ceremony is much less traditional and the practice is carried out in a less formal manner, though most still recognize the 8th day of life as the time to do so. The primary difference between Islam and Judaism is that Jewish male children's circumcisions are performed by religious figures called "mohels" while Muslim families most often prefer to have the surgery take place by a physician.

One notable fact about circumcision is that the Roman Catholic Church formerly rejected the practice of circumcision in 1442 at the Council of Florence. Even so, both the Ethiopian Orthodox and Coptic Christian churches remain to view circumcision as a mandatory practice to this day. Additionally, most Australian Aboriginal and African religious traditions view circumcision as a passage rite for their communities' young males. Animist groups located in West Africa such as the Dowayo and Dogan view circumcision as a procedure to remove a man's "feminine" parts, effectively entering him into manhood. Other people, such as the Nilotics, utilize circumcision to categorize their males into different sets of age.

As abundant as the practice seems, only the United States, South Korea and Philippines routinely utilize circumcision for reasons other than religion. In fact, it wasn't until after the Korean War and the United States influence on South Korea did the South Koreans integrate the practice into their culture.

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